Day 157
1 Kings 1:1‐53; Acts 4:1‐37; Psalm 124:1‐8; Proverbs 16:24
I Promise I’ll Change
“I promise I’ll change.” Such is the cry of many a guy trying not to get kicked to the curb by his wife or girlfriend. But women are skeptical, and for good reason. Real life change is difficult.
Acts tells of Peter and John being brought before the Jewish council, again. These are the same apostles that were hiding in the upper room for fear of “the Jewish authorities.” Peter would not even admit that he knew Jesus out of cowardice. Now they are flouting the authorities, and speaking boldly, and promising that they would continue to violate their orders to keep silent. They would proclaim Jesus’ resurrection no matter what!
This was real life change. Something happened to these apostles that completely reordered their lives. These were changed men, and their behavior demonstrated the depth of the change they experienced. One of the strongest evidences of the resurrection is the change in the disciples. By faith in Jesus, we can see this kind of life change in our lives today.
This will not be life change to suit our wants and desires. This will be life change that comes when we are given over to Jesus’ desires. The disciples didn’t just decide to be brave. They became brave because they were sold out for Jesus, so their fear of the Sanhedrin just faded away.
Are you sold out for Jesus yet? If not, what holds you back?
The Rev. Eric Turner