Day 245
Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:22; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Psalm 46:1- 11; Proverbs 22:15
Be Still and Know That I am God
A mentor of mine often says, “Find the treasure in the difficulty.” This is a statement that is often more difficult to live out than it sounds. How often do we, as Christians, face trials? Our trials, like the world’s, come in all shapes and sizes—some physical, some spiritual, some emotional, some mental. Each of us will face some sort of trial almost each day.
The Christian’s response to trial is what sets us apart from the world. Our response to trials should be with confidence, praise, and bold faith toward our loving Heavenly Father.
So often we want to take the situation into our own hands. However, God teaches us in Psalm 46 to entrust the situation to His hands. This amazing passage shows us the many characteristics of our God. He is our refuge and strength… fortress… mighty help.
The Lord commands us to, “Be still, and know that I am God.” This truth is vital as we prepare for trials. Before trials hit our life, we must focus on God’s promises so that when trials hit we can respond in a Christ-like way. This is how we can find the treasure in the difficulty. Ask God to prepare your heart for when trials will come. May you be still and know who God is!
Josh Caldwell