Day 129
1 Samuel 5:1‐7:17; John 6:1‐21; Psalm 106:13‐31; Proverbs 14:32‐33
Covenant Box of the Lord
The Ark of the Covenant was a box in which were kept the tablets of the Ten Commandments. The box was the throne of God such that where it went so did the force of God’s presence. God does not fit in a box; He is bigger and bolder than our plans for Him. Jesus walking on the water and feeding the crowds are good reminders that He can do far more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). We do not want to forget His great actions on behalf of His people, often in the face of great resistance (Psalm 106:13, 21). Yet, in God’s grandeur, He makes Himself known in specific places and times.
That brings us to the box. The Ark was more than a reminder of God’s promises and presence. Rather, His presence was actually and physically communicated in and around that box. That language is similar to how we describe the Sacraments and the Church building itself. The Lord does not call us to be spiritual people who transcend and vacate the world; but rather God calls us to engage the world around us. He is the invisible God who inhabits the physical world He created, even becoming incarnate in Jesus.
Today, know that God is with you, really with you, wherever you go. Furthermore, declare His presence wherever you go. Even make a sign of the cross on your desk or steering wheel and in so doing proclaim His Holy Presence there.
The Rev. Loren Fox