Praise Is the Goal

Day 167 1 Kings 15:25‐17:24; Acts 10:23b‐48; Psalm 134:1‐3; Proverbs 17:9‐11 Praise Is the Goal Psalm 134 is the last of the Songs of Ascents. The goal of the Israelite pilgrimage was worship at the temple of the Lord. When the pilgrim would “arrive,” those who ministered at the temple were called to praise the…

We Reflect What We Worship

Day 10 Genesis 23:1-24:51; Matthew 8:1-17; Psalm 9:13-20; Proverbs 3:1-6 We Reflect What We Worship It is a popular saying among motivational speakers nowadays that “we become what we think about.” If we think about positive things, we will become positive people; negative things: negative thoughts and actions. We are reminded of the same spiritually…