Day 342
Hosea 10:1-14:9; Jude 1-25; Psalm 127:1-5; Proverbs 29:15-17
Standing for the Faith
Throughout history there have been all kinds of false doctrines, alternative teachings, and strange forms of spiritualities that have led Christians astray. In the early Church, heresies came and went that forced the Church to define or sharpen what they believed. In fact, our creeds are a result of faithful men forming summaries of faith to dispute the various heresies concerning the divinity and humanity of Christ.
For example, Arianism, from the early 300’s, argued that Christ was fully human but could not be fully God. Conversely, Docetism argued that Jesus was fully God but not fully human. Both of these teachings were rejected by the Church in large part because there were faithful men who stood for the faith of the Apostles.
In our readings for today, Jude is calling believers to contend for the one true faith and persevere against any false teachings. In today’s times, the doctrines and teachings of the faith are still being challenged. People want to hear what agrees with their opinions and beliefs instead of the Gospel truth (2 Timothy 3). Who will stand and “contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the Saints” (Jude 1:3)? Are we, as the body of Christ, immersing ourselves in the truth and standing for the faith? Are you immersing yourself daily in the Scriptures? Then are we taking that faith and reaching out to those who are lost and confused in the marketplace of false or corrupt teachings?
Rev. Deke Miller
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
New Smyrna Beach, FL