Fear Factor

Day 30 Exodus 10:1‐12:13; Matthew 20:1‐28; Psalm 25:1‐15; Proverbs 6:6‐11 Fear Factor A popular TV show in recent years was the reality show “Fear Factor.” It showed people facing their greatest fears in some really weird ways. Why do we watch such fake shows when there are real fears in our world today? Just watch…

Can We Get “Good Enough”?

Day 29 Exodus 7:25‐9:35; Matthew 19:13‐30; Psalm 24:1‐10; Proverbs 6:1‐5 Can We Get “Good Enough”? In today’s reading from Matthew, Jesus is called “Good Teacher” by the man inquiring how to inherit eternal life. Jesus assures him no one is “good” except God, and that to go to heaven, he needs to keep God’s commands….

God Uses Whom He Chooses

Day 28 Exodus 5:22‐7:24; Matthew 18:23‐19:12; Psalm 23:1‐6; Proverbs 5:22‐23 God Uses Whom He Chooses We all know that Moses looked just like Charlton Heston in his heyday—strong, tan, well built, great hair, and a sonorous voice. I can’t read the words of today’s reading from Exodus without the mental images of “The Ten Commandments,”…

Give Us Grace, O Lord

Day 27 Exodus 4:1-5:21; Matthew 18:1-22; Psalm 22:19-31; Proverbs 5:15-21 Give Us Grace, O Lord Today’s readings from Exodus and Psalms speak about proclaiming the salvation of the Lord. In Exodus, Moses doubts his own ability to get Israel to believe the word the Lord has given to him for Pharaoh. If his own people…

Murderer Moses and Disciples of Little Faith

Day 26 Exodus 2:11-3:22; Matthew 17:10-27; Psalm 22:1-18; Proverbs 5:17-24 Murderer Moses and Disciples of Little Faith Look at Moses, the greatest prophet of the Hebrew people, the bringer of the 10 Commandments. Look at the disciples—our churches are named St. Peter’s, St. Thomas’, St. Matthew’s. Look at them, sinful and faithless. And yet as…

The Mystery of Human Responsibility and God’s Providence

Day 25 Genesis 50:1-26; Exodus 1:1-2:10; Matthew 16:13-17:9; Psalm 21:1-13; Proverbs 5:1-6 The Mystery of Human Responsibility and God’s Providence. Genesis 50:20 – “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” Even though Joseph’s…

We’ve Never Done It That Way Before

Day 23 Gen 46:1‐47:31, Matt 15:1‐28, Ps 19:1‐14, Prov 4:14‐19 We’ve Never Done It That Way Before The seven most deadly words for any congregation are, “We’ve never done it that way before.” Traditions held too tightly can become precarious if we don’t understand their purpose. Translated from the Greek word “paradosis,” tradition means to…

Divine Strength for Earthly Weakness

Day 22 Genesis 44:1-45:28; Matthew 14:13-36; Psalm 18:37-50; Proverbs 4:11-13 Divine Strength for Earthly Weakness Most recall the Feeding of the 5000––the only miracle recorded in all four gospels. But of note is that immediately preceding that high point of Jesus’ ministry is the beheading of John the Baptist. Note how Matthew today begins with…

The Hometown Prophet

Day 21 Genesis 42:18‐43:34; Matthew 13:47‐14:12; Psalm 18:16‐36; Proverbs 4:7‐10 The Hometown Prophet In this reading from Matthew, Jesus has returned to His hometown and began teaching the people in their synagogue. Even though they were amazed at how knowledgeable He was with the Scripture, they asked, “Where did this man get this wisdom and…

Just Desserts?

Day 19 Genesis 39:1-41:16; Matthew 12:46-13:23; Psalm 17:1-15; Proverbs 3:33-35 Just Desserts? Sometimes, I hear someone sigh and say, “Ah well… no good deed goes unpunished!” The saying is sardonic, but I sympathize with the sentiment. Life doesn’t seem to turn out the way we think it should. There’s just no justice in the world!…