Day 28
Exodus 5:22‐7:24; Matthew 18:23‐19:12; Psalm 23:1‐6; Proverbs 5:22‐23
God Uses Whom He Chooses
We all know that Moses looked just like Charlton Heston in his heyday—strong, tan, well built, great hair, and a sonorous voice. I can’t read the words of today’s reading from Exodus without the mental images of “The Ten Commandments,” and even the cheesy special effects (granted they were great for their day, back in 1954).
The reality was that Moses was probably quite different. Having grown up in Pharaoh’s household, it is unlikely that he performed the kind of physical labor that would result such a physique. Even with the superior education afforded him, he complained that he was not a good speaker. Perhaps he had some speech impediment that embarrassed him?
Nonetheless, it was through this man that God chose to accomplish His purposes for Israel. Indeed, with the wisdom of hindsight, we can see that all of Moses’ life came together in God’s providence for this moment. At the center, humanly speaking, is one with no gift for words, no great army, one even an outcast among the Egyptians. (Remember that Moses fled after killing an Egyptian guard for beating a Jewish slave.)
Never doubt that God can accomplish His purposes through you! Good looks, great wealth, Liam Neeson’s voice, even great power in human terms, are not what enable us to accomplish the Lord’s purposes. “God does not call the equipped. He equips the called!” And you are called!
The Rev. Eric Turner