Day 316
Ezekiel 24:1-26:21; Hebrews 11:1-16; Psalm 110:1-7; Proverbs 27:14
God’s Multimedia Message
Did you read the Ezekiel portion today? If not, I challenge you to go back and read it. It’s not an easy read even for us today, but for the Israelites it was a hard-hitting message. First, Ezekiel, at God’s instruction, boils the stew and burns the pot. Then, his wife dies, and he does not weep for her. Then he delivered quick public service announcements against four of their closest neighbors. And for the richest neighbor, Tyre, he promises a hurricane of devastation that erases the city off the map. Sights, sounds, words, smells, live drama. God used every sense and media to communicate His judgment against the sin of the people. Do you think that God wanted to get their attention? God does speak through the still small voice; He also speaks through the loud and clear message of His Word—read, studied, taught, and preached. This Bible Challenge is helping us to listen afresh to what God has revealed in the Scriptures. I doubt that the preacher on Sunday will be cooking up a chowder, but he or she is called to use their full range of skills to make known the Word of God. Likewise if you are a parent teaching your child or a small group leader in your church, speak the Word, illustrate it, enact it, and do not let it be dull. Wrestle with it. Ask God to help you hear it, see it, feel it, understand it, and trust it.
The Rev. Loren Fox
Church of Our Savior
Palm Bay, FL