Day 58
Leviticus 20:22‐22:16; Mark 9:1‐29; Psalm 43:1‐5; Proverbs 10:18
Living in Light and Truth
Most of us reading this made a commitment to read the Bible each day this year; perhaps it was one of our New Year Resolutions. Now, two months of the new year are past and keeping this resolution is not a simple task. Each day we have to commit ourselves afresh to this discipline. It is not as easy as we might have assumed.
So, today is a good time to hear God’s Word on our behalf. From today’s Psalm: “Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell” (Psalm 43:3). Isn’t this just what we need, a fresh dose of God’s light so we can experience His truth afresh in our lives? And, aren’t we reminded that Jesus is both the light and the truth we seek?
God, by the grace and power of your Holy Spirit, fill us with light and lead us to truth. Give us a hunger for your Word, both written and incarnate. Help us to experience, even as Peter did, the joy of being in your presence. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Richard Bordin