Day 213
2 Chronicles 30:1-31:21; Romans 15:1-22; Psalm 25:1-15; Proverbs 20:13-15
Setting Our Hearts for Seeking God
In today’s reading from 2 Chronicles, we find Hezekiah taking on what seemed to be a hopeless effort. As an obedient servant to the Lord, Hezekiah was not wrapped up in the details of worship, nor did he allow his devotion to be dictated by a set date, since the “official” time for the Festival of Unleavened Bread had already passed.
Pressing on through scorn and ridicule, Hezekiah’s couriers went from town to town to spread the news of a celebration in Jerusalem. The effort yielded but a few in each town who responded to Hezekiah’s conviction and invitation. Yet still they came to Jerusalem from all over Judah, where they found unity in the spirit of the law, as opposed to the letter of the law.
At this celebration, the people recognized that though unworthy, ill-prepared, and unconsecrated based on Jewish law, they came anyway with hearts repentant and full of longing. When God saw that their hearts were set on Him, and that their prayers lifted up in unison reached Him in His holy dwelling place, He was pleased and blessed their celebration by prospering Hezekiah, whose obedience to the Lord was made manifest in the actions of those who had set their hearts for seeking God.
Let us in like manner set our hearts for seeking God today, so that our unworthy, ill-prepared, and unconsecrated hearts lifted up as one may reach His dwelling place and please Him. Come Lord, we pray you, come!
The Rev. Din Bissondial – Deacon