God Knows Better

Day 184 2 Kings 22:3-23:30; Acts 21:37-22:16; Psalm 1:1-6; Proverbs 18:11-12 God Knows Better It seems like the stories of prophets and evangelists throughout Scripture often share a common theme. They usually display some sort of pride stemming from the idea that they know how things “should be.” All have some sort of encounter with…

The Word of His Grace

Day 181 2 Kings 17:1‐18:12; Acts 20:1‐38; Psalm 148:1‐14; Proverbs 18:6‐7 The Word of His Grace Today’s reading, Acts 20, relates Paul’s journey through Macedonia, Greece, and parts of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) on his way to Jerusalem, where he expected to encounter “imprisonment and afflictions.” As he meets with believers, he encourages them,…

Deeper in My Faith

Day 180 2 Kings 15:1-16:20; Acts 19:13-41; Psalm 147:1-20; Proverbs 18:4-5  Deeper in My Faith  As a child, I desired to go deeper in my faith. Faith was explained to me as having two components: believing in who God is, and trusting everything about Him. My youth pastor often used the illustration of a chair…

Silence Is Golden

Day 177 2 Kings 9:14‐10:31; Acts 17:1‐34; Psalm 144:1‐15; Proverbs 17:27‐28 Silence Is Golden “A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent and discerning if he holds his tongue.” – Proverbs 17:27-28 What powerful words are these two…

The Temptation Trap

Day 174 2 Kings 4:18‐5:27; Acts 15:1‐35; Psalm 141:1‐10; Proverb 17:23 The Temptation Trap When you are surrounded by corrupt people on every side and when your environment is one which is hostile to the Christian life, it can be very easy to lose conviction and be drawn into sin. This is the situation out…

Rise Up, O Lord!

Day 173 2 Kings 3:1‐4:17; Acts 14:8‐28; Psalm 140:1‐13; Proverb 17:22 Rise Up, O Lord! One of the main concerns of our day is oppression. There are many people, groups, and individuals, across the nation and around the world who are experiencing some form of oppression. Oppression can show itself in the work place, the…