Hearing Is Believing

Day 125 Judges 21:1‐25; Ruth 1:1‐22; John 4:4‐42; Psalm 105:1‐15; Proverbs 14:25 Hearing Is Believing Have you ever had to get your hearing checked to see if you were hearing clearly or if you needed a hearing aid? Sometimes we need a spiritual hearing aid to help our hearing and believing. Do you remember the…

No King, No Direction!

Day 123 Judges 17:1‐18:31; John 3:1‐21; Psalm 104:1‐23; Proverbs 14:20‐21 No King, No Direction! At the very end of Judges, we have two stories in the days when there was no king in Israel. During this period of moral lawlessness, people did as they saw fit: A young man steals silver from his mother. He…

Do Whatever He Tells You

Day 122 Judges 15:1-16:31; John 2:1-25; Psalm 103:1-22; Proverbs 14:17-19 Do Whatever He Tells You The first miracle of Jesus occurred during the wedding feast at Cana in Galilee. Mary tells Him the wine has run out, but Jesus tells her His time has not yet come. She proceeds to tell the servants to do…

The Means of Salvation

Day 121 Judges 13:1‐14:20; John 1:29‐51; Psalm 102:1‐28; Proverbs 14:15‐16 The Means of Salvation In the Gospel reading, we find significant pictures of salvation. First there is the proclamation by John the Baptist: “Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.“ Offerings of lambs sacrificed in the temple were common…

The Word of God Among Us

Day 120 Judges 11:1‐12:15; John 1:1‐28; Psalm 101:1‐8; Proverbs 14:13‐14 The Word of God Among Us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – John 1:1 So begins this magnificent passage that reads like a hymn of praise to Jesus the Messiah, through Whom comes…

The Lord Is God!

Day 119 Judges 9:22-10:18; Luke 24:13-53; Psalm 100:1-5; Proverbs 14:11-12 The Lord Is God! The reading from Proverbs is a reminder that not every “way that seems right to a man” is pleasing to God. The Nation of Israel suffered much under the rule of Abimelech. Even in better times under the judges who succeeded…

God Answers Prayers

Day 118 Judges 8:18‐9:21; Luke 23:44‐24:12; Psalm 99:1‐9; Proverbs 14:9‐10 God Answers Prayers In Psalm 99: 8, we are reminded that our God hears us and does answer prayers with forgiveness. However, we do experience the consequences of our actions along with His forgiveness. As I read Luke 23 and 24, I am again reminded…

Today in Paradise

Day 117 Judges 7:1-8:17; Luke 23:13-43; Psalms 97:1-98:9; Proverbs 14:7-8 Today in Paradise Do you know the Greek word for “truly”? It’s “amen.” We say it at the end of a prayer.  Jesus uses it up front to announce truth. When Jesus tells the thief on the cross, “Truly, I say to you, today you…

Go in the Strength You Have

Day 116 Judges 6:1‐40; Luke 22:54‐23:12; Psalms 95:1‐96:13; Proverb 14:5‐6 Go In the Strength You Have Take the world for Christ! Too big, Lord! Well, then, take your city for Christ! Like Israel during the seven years Midian oppressed them, Central Florida – my zip code – is threatened with being overrun by evil. Is…

Deborah and Jael

Day 115 Judges 4:1‐5:31; Luke 22:35‐53; Psalm 94:1‐23; Proverbs 14:3‐4 Deborah and Jael Eve tempting Adam to eat, Sarai scoffing at the idea of bearing Abram’s son to the point of laughter, Rebekah deceiving Isaac to gain favor and a blessing for Jacob, and so on. Women’s roles in the Bible up to the Book…