Day 167
1 Kings 15:25‐17:24; Acts 10:23b‐48; Psalm 134:1‐3; Proverbs 17:9‐11
Praise Is the Goal
Psalm 134 is the last of the Songs of Ascents. The goal of the Israelite pilgrimage was worship at the temple of the Lord. When the pilgrim would “arrive,” those who ministered at the temple were called to praise the Lord by lifting up their hands.
Body and spirit are so closely tied together that when we lift up our hands, we are also lifting up our hearts to God. The body posture informs the posture of the soul. The reaching up of our hands is as stretching upwards of our thanksgiving and praise into the heavenly realms.
As we each are on our own individual pilgrimages to God, we must remember that at the end of the trek, we will find ourselves in a great assembly of praise to the Lord. The path may have its heights and depths, but in the end we will praise the Lord.
“May the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.”
Prayer: I lift up my hands to you, Oh Lord. I offer up my heart and will as a living sacrifice of praise. I praise you, Lord.
The Rev. Charlie Holt