About Offerings

Day 65 Numbers 6:1-7:89; Mark 12:38-13:13; Psalm 49:1-20; Proverbs 10:27-28 About Offerings As we read through chapter 7 in Numbers, it soon becomes obvious that each tribe presented the exact same lavish offering for the dedication of the altar after Moses had finished setting up and anointing the tabernacle. This was according to the command…

By Whose Authority?

Day 63 Numbers 2:1‐3:51; Mark 11:27‐12:17; Psalm 47:1‐9; Proverbs 10:24‐25 By Whose Authority? In today’s Gospel, we find several instances of human reliance on authority when issues or conflict arise. We find Jesus’ authority questioned for no other reason than the fact that His teaching, preaching, and healing had come to challenge the “unquestionable authority”…

What Price, Redemption?

Day 61 Leviticus 25:47‐27:13; Mark 10:32‐52; Psalm 45:1‐17; Proverbs 10:22 What Price, Redemption? In the early history of the United States, we faced the blemish of slavery. Men, women, and children were sold as property to wealthy landowners. Even before slavery there were those who escaped persecution and came to the colonies as “indentured servants,”…

Happy Leap Day

Happy Leap Day The Bible Challenge plan is a 365-day plan, so there is no designated reading for today. Use today to catch up on readings you may be behind on, or use it to meditate further on what you have already read. Yesterday’s devotional is reposted below. May God bless your meditations on His…

Without Defect or Blemish

Day 59 Leviticus 22:17-23:44; Mark 9:30-10:12; Psalm 44:1-8; Proverbs 10:19 Without Defect or Blemish We are already two months into this project of trying to read the Bible in a year.  How is it going so far?  Are you finding the readings too much, or is it exciting to know that you are “eating this…

Living in Light and Truth

Day 58 Leviticus 20:22‐22:16; Mark 9:1‐29; Psalm 43:1‐5; Proverbs 10:18 Living in Light and Truth Most of us reading this made a commitment to read the Bible each day this year; perhaps it was one of our New Year Resolutions. Now, two months of the new year are past and keeping this resolution is not…

Sign or No Sign?

Day 57 Leviticus 19:1-20:21; Mark 8:11-38; Psalm 42:1-11; Proverbs 10:17 Sign or No Sign? In a moment of frustration, Mark tells us that Jesus declared that no sign would be given to “this generation.” Yet, Jesus’ ministry was full of signs, both before and after this statement. So, what are we to make of His…

Defiled Hands

Day 55 Leviticus 15:1-16:28; Mark 7:1-23; Psalm 40:11-17; Proverbs 10:13-14 Defiled Hands God spoke to Moses and Aaron about everything, down to what we consider most personal and private. If God spoke to the leaders of the people about such things, why are we so squeamish about them? It was no wonder that the Pharisees…