Is God Enough?

Day 146 2 Samuel 9:1‐11:27; John 15:1‐27; Psalm 119:49‐64; Proverbs 16:1‐3 Is God Enough? King David began a downward spiral of sin when he gave into temptation with Bathsheba. In a single act, he opened a door that could lead to destruction – both of his status and his faith. Sin led to more sin….

Even More Undignified

Day 144 2 Samuel 4:1‐6:23; John 13:31‐14:14; Psalm 119:17‐32; Proverbs 15:32 Even More Undignified What a beautiful picture of worship we see in 2 Samuel today. The Ark of the Covenant, the presence of the Lord, comes into the city, and King David is enthusiastically engaged in worship. The Israelites have just defeated the Philistine…

The World Turned Upside Down

Day 143 2 Samuel 2:12‐3:39; John 13:1‐30; Psalm 119:1‐16; Proverbs 15:29‐30 The World Turned Upside Down Many historians cite “The World Turned Upside Down” as the tune played by a British fife and drum corps when British soldiers stacked their arms and surrendered to General George Washington at Yorktown, Virginia in 1781. For the British…

The Challenge of Free Will

Day 142 2 Samuel 1:1‐2:11; John 12:20‐50; Psalm 118:19‐29; Proverbs 15:27‐28 The Challenge of Free Will “Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.” – John 12:37 In this section of the Gospel of John, Jesus has revealed Himself and given the crowd a reminder…

The Wellspring of Passion

Day 141 1 Samuel 29:1-31:13; John 11:54-12:19; Psalm 118:1-18; Proverbs 15:24-26 The Wellspring of Passion If you missed yesterday’s Gospel reading, you might not realize that “Jesus therefore no longer walked openly among the Jews” because He had resurrected His friend Lazarus, whose sisters were Mary and Martha. Because of this miracle, many believed while…

The Voice of the Shepherd

Day 139 1 Samuel 24:1-25:44; John 10:22-42; Psalm 116:1-19; Proverbs 15:20-21 The Voice of the Shepherd Sadly, no matter what God does or says, there are certain people whose hearts are so hard to Him that they will never turn and believe. The root source of such hardness of heart can come from many places:…

Finding Faith on the Run

Day 138 1 Samuel 22:1‐23:29; John 10:1‐21; Psalm 115:1‐18; Proverbs 15:18‐19 Finding Faith on the Run Who can forget the mid-60s TV series “The Fugitive,” with David Janssen on the run? In our Biblical narrative, David is also a fugitive running from King Saul who had put a contract out on his life. He spent…

The Truth Sets Us Free

Day 136 1 Samuel 18:5‐19:24; John 8:31‐59; Psalm 112:1‐10; Proverbs 15:12‐14 The Truth Sets Us Free In this section of John’s Gospel, Jesus is continuing to teach about what it means to be a true child of God. He makes a distinction about truth and lies versus freedom and slavery. Many of the people don’t…